
practical! Pig farm pen calculation method! Look at it to reduce costs!


In the case of highly intensive pig farming, how many birthing beds, positioning bars, breeding houses, etc. are needed for a new pig farm, which often troubles many farmers and friends, resulting in a waste of funds. Today we will take a look at each pig. rounded field calculations. The standard formula for calculating pig stall requirements for each production stage is based on 3 parts:

1. F = number of deliveries per week

2, W = average number of weaning per litter

3. T = number of weeks of use

F: The number of farrowings per week is the fulcrum of the pig production line.

(1) The number of sows required for each stage of the breeding cycle depends on the target number of farrowings per week: F*T

(2) The number of pig pens required in the nursery and growing houses depends on the number of weekly farrowings * the number of weaned pigs per litter * the number of weeks in which the pen is used: F*W*T

W: Nursery and grower pen requirements calculations include average target weaning numbers per litter.

T: Determine the number of weeks required for each production stage based on weeks of use, cleaning units, inter-department transfers, sows returning to estrus, etc.

Care must be taken when determining the usage values ??of F, W, and T, because once the production line is designed and built, the number of pigs that can be accommodated at each stage is limited. Changes in pig performance may change pig pen requirements, therefore pig performance should be considered when calculating pig pen performance.

Calculation criteria for pig stall requirements:

Example of pig stall calculation for a farm producing 20,000 pigs per year, producing 400 pigs per week

All-in-all-out principle and inter-departmental transfer weeks are shown in brackets.

Growing house = 10 to 24 weeks old = 14 + (2) = 16 week pen = 16 units, 430 pigs per unit; 8 units, 860 pigs per unit.

Nursery = 4 weeks weaning to 10 weeks = 6 + (1) = 7 weeks pen = 7 units, 440 pigs per unit.

Farrowing house = 28 days from birth to weaning = 4 + (2) = 6 weeks pen house = 440 pigs weaned / 9.2 pigs weaned per litter = 48 farrowings per week = 6 units with 48 crates per unit or 12 units with 24 beds each.

Gestation house = 4 weeks to confirm pregnancy to 15 weeks = 11 + (1) = 12 weeks pen = 48 * 12 weeks = 576 sow positioning pen + (4% loss) = 600 If it is not in the same area as the breeding pen, add 2 test boar pens.

Early pregnancy = breeding to confirmed pregnancy = 0-4 = 4 weeks + (1 turnaround pig) = 5 weeks pens = 48*80% = 60 breedings per week * 5 weeks = 300 sows, if the positioning pen is matched with breeding If the house is not in the same area, add 2 boar pens.

Breeding area (1) Weaning sows = weaning to breeding = 2-week pens allowed = 48*2 = 96 positioning pens or 24 large pens, 4 heads per pen. (2) Back sows to be mated = 48 * 0.2 updated pigs = 9.6 gilts per week * 6 weeks pens = 9.6 * 6 weeks = 60 gilts, large pen, average 3.75 per pen = 16 pens (3) boars for estimating = 80 sows and 1 boar in breeding and early gestation houses = 240+96+60=396/80 = 5 boars for estimating, 1 in 1 pen Pigs (4) Culled sows allow 4 pens

Artificial insemination boar station = semen collection boar = 1 boar per 80 sows = 48*24/25=1152-1200 sows/80=15 semen collection boar pen (10 pigs are raised in the boar location bar, 5 heads are kept in a single bar)

gilt breeding area

(1) Growth period of updated gilts = 10 weeks – 26 weeks = 16 pens, 9.6*80% selection rate per pen = 12 back sows per pen to introduce updated pigs or farms from other breeding farms Nurture within yourself.

(2) Updated gilt nursery period = 4 weeks – 10 weeks = 4 units, 24 pigs per unit (2 weeks gilts per unit).

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